Test Rails User guide

Test Rails User guide

How to Use Test Rails

Login and Projects:

  1. Open a Browser and enter the URL :http://testrail.pentaho.com/index.php?/auth/login/
  2. Enter your Login id and password and click on the login button.
  3. Dashboard Page is displayed with All Projects graph, Projects section with various versions.
  4. Select a Version Number.
  5. Overview Tab is selected by default. An activity graph, Milestones,Test Runs and a very detailed Activity list is displayed.
  6. Select the Test Suites & Cases tab.
  7. Select Master, Test cases are displayed and on the Right side the Projects are listed.
  8. From the Right Side select a Project.
  9. The test cases for that project are displayed.

How to Add a test Case to a Project

  1. Follow the above steps and select the project to which you need to add a test case.
  2. On the top tool bar click on the + Add Case button.
  3. Add Test Case page opens with the following fields.
  • Title -  A title for your test case
  • Section - A Project where this test case belongs to( you can change to another project if you would like to)
  • Template - Exploratory Session, Test Case (Steps), Test Case (Text)
  • Type -  Bug Related, Functional, Helper, New Enhancement, Performance, Regression, Security, Smoke & Sanity
  • Priority - Critical, High, Medium, Low
  • Estimate - Duration to run the test eg 30m,1h
  • References - JIRA ticket to refer to ( Add link will open a JIRA page with Create Issue page)
  • Status -  Draft, Approval, Active, Inactive
  • Automated - Yes, No
  • Preconditions - Any set up to do to run the steps
  • Steps - Step Description, Expected Result (Icons for Add a step, delete a step, add an image to the Step field or expected result field)
  • Defects

4. Click on the ? icon to open the TestRail User Guide - to learn about the rich-text formatting.

5. Click on the Add Test Case button to save the test case to the project.

How to Filter for a test case by Title

  1. Click on the Test Suites & Cases tab.
  2. From the tool bar select Filter.
  3. A drop down pane appears with a lot of options
  4. Expand the Title option
  5. Leave Match all of the following radio button as it it.
  6. Click on the Drop down near Is and select Contains option, in the field next to to it enter the title of the test case that you want to filter.
  7. Click on the OK button. The Filter details appears on the tool bar and the test cases that contains the text your entered earlier will be the ones that are listed.

How to Edit a test case

  1. Select a test case to Edit.
  2. On the Top right side an Edit button is present
  3. Click on the Edit button, the test cases fields are opened in Edit mode
  4. Make necessary changes to the test cases, click on the green + or red - icons to add a step or delete a step
  5. To add an attachment to the test case, on the Right Side there is a Drop files to attach, or click to browse panel, click on it to browse an attachment from your local file system and then click on the Open button to add the attachment to the test case
  6. After making all the changes, click on the Save Test Case button to save the test case

How to pick a test case from the test plan

  1. Login to TestRail
  2. Click on the 7.x Project  or the latest version to test.
  3. Click on the Milestone Tab
  4. Choose the ‘ Regression Testing’ milestone
  5. Click on a ‘Test Plan’
  6. Click on a ‘Test Set’  in the list
  7. The test cases to run on different versions are listed

NOTE:  You must assign the Test Case to yourself FIRST!!!!, this way we don’t have multiple people running the same test at the same time

How to Run a test case

To run a ‘Test Case’

  1. Click on ‘Add Results’ in the top right
  2. Assign it to yourself
  3. Enter the Version (example: 
  4. Click on ‘Start’ next to Elapsed (this starts the timer)
  5. Go through the steps, If something fails put in the Actual results
  6. When complete, go to the bottom and click Add Results (This will stop the timer)

Test Run Status

What to set for test case status while running both (Manual & Automation):

TestRail Status


“Passed” (Green)  

All steps in a test provide the Expected Results

“Passed – Known Issues” (Orange)

Almost all steps in a test provide the Expected Results, but a step(s) has an existing documented BUG that is not resolved

“Blocked” (Dark Grey)

Cannot continue working on a step flow due to an issue (to be detailed later)

“Failed” (Red)

Test and/or step does not provide the Expected Results

“Retest” (Yellow)

Test case that needs to be re-run due to various factors (to be detailed later)

“Untested” (Grey)

Test cases that have not been run

“Bad Test Case” (Fuchsia/Pink)

Test step(s) that are written poorly, do not provide clear Expected Results, or generally vague to the person running the test case

When to use “Failed” or “Passed-Known Issues”.

When looking up an existing JIRA use the ‘Severity’ of the issue as the determining point of which status to use.

Mark the TR Status



Known issues, where the JIRA severity is
- Low
- None

Passed-Known Issues

Known issues, where the JIRA severity is
- Low
- None


Known Issue, where JIRA severity is
- Urgent
- High
- Medium


New issue found or Possible Regression

When entering a defect in TestRail, you only need to enter the ID, and not the URL.  


Good:   BACKLOG-1234, BACKLOG-12345 ( add ", " between JIRA id numbers)

Bad:  http://jira.pentaho.com/browse/BACKLOG-1234

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