Quick Start
You have deployed Pentaho using the archive installation approach before and are familiar with the process.
You have deployed PDI Tools and Plugins (Spoon and plugins) before and are familiar with the process.
Installation Prerequisites
Pentaho BA Server 10.3-QAT must be installed. The file for the archive install can be obtained from <Link>. Deploy this as you would any archive installation.
User performing the installation of the additional plugins must have Read / Write permissions to the BA Server plugin directories
Obtain the following BA server plugin files: <Link>
Obtain the PDI Client zip file from <Link>
Installation Steps
Unzip the files downloaded in Step 3 above (list of files) into the
folder. This the same process as deploying a typical BA Server pluginUnzip the PDI Client zip file to your %PENTAHO_HOME% directory. This is the typical process for installing PDI Client tools.
Restart / Start Pentaho Server. All plugins should now be deployed. You can view further instruction for each plugin on the respective page: