PentahoSpinner is a thin wrapper around spin.js that we add some generic configurations for small, medium, and large spinners. For doc on spin.js check out
Example usage:
<html> <body> ... <div id="spinnerContainer" style="height: 32px; width: 32px;"></div> ... </body> </html>
pen.require(['common-ui/util/PentahoSpinner'], function(spin) { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // var config = spin.getSmallConfig(); // 16x16 spinner config // var config = spin.getLargeConfig(); // 48x48 spinner config //-------------------------------------------------------------- var config = spin.getMediumConfig(); // override the color config.color = "#555"; // override the starting top location = "-8px" // spin.js's Spinner object has been included for us by the pen.require call to PentahoSpinner above var spinner = new Spinner(config); // show the spinner in your div spinner.spin(dojo.byId("spinnerContainer")); ... // hide the spinner spinner.stop(); });