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Wiki Markup

h2. Bubble Chart


A bubble chart draws bubbles for each point in a series. The chart expects three values per bubble: the domain (commonly the X-axis) value, the  range (commonly the y-axis) value, and a third value (the Z value) that determines the size of the bubble to draw around the point.

The size of the bubble is derived from an algorithm that takes the Z value, divides it by the maximum Z value in the dataset, then multiplies that number by the *max-bubble-size* property value. See the section on required properties below for more information on the *max-bubble-size* property.


h5h3. Dataset Guidelines

This chart expects its data as an [XYZ dataset|The XYZ Dataset].

h5h3. Required Properties

The following properties are required:






The max-bubble-size property is defaulted to zero, so in order to see your bubbles, you'll need to set this property\! The value should be between 1 and 100, as a percentage of smaller to larger. 


The optional chart properties that are supported for this chart are listed in the [Chart Properties Reference].

h5h3. Example

The following chart definition will produce the chart in the example below.

	<title>Bubble Sample Chart</title>
	<range-title>Share of Total Budget</range-title>
	<domain-title>Share of Total Actual</domain-title>
	<domain-tick-format>#000 test</domain-tick-format>
		<![CDATA[{0} Act.: {1}, Budg.: {2} = Var.{3}]]>
	<bubble-lable-z-format>#,###.00 EUR</bubble-lable-z-format>
