Breaking Down Your Chart by Deal Size

Breaking Down Your Chart by Deal Size

Breaking Down Your Chart by Deal Size

Your source data does not contain an attribute for Deal Size. Use the Data Integration perspective to add this new field.

  1. Select Data Integration in the Perspective drop-down of the main toolbar.
  2. Detach the Write to Database step from the Value Mapper step.
  3. Expand the Transform folder and drag a Number Range step onto the graphical workspace.
  4. Create a hop from Value Mapper to Number Range.
  5. Create another hop from Number Range to Write to Database. When prompted, select the Main output of the step option.
  6. Double-click Number range to open its edit properties dialog box.
  7. Choose the SALES field as your Input field.
  8. Type DEALSIZE as the name for the Output field.
  9. In the Ranges table, define number ranges as shown in the example below. Click OK.

    Note: Because this step adds a new field into the stream, you must update your target database table to add the new column in the next steps.
  10. Double-click on the Write to Database (Table output) step.
  11. Click SQL to generate the DDL necessary to update the target table.
  12. Click Execute to run the SQL. Click OK to close the results dialog box. Click Close to exit the Simple SQL Editor dialog box. Click OK to close the edit step properties dialog.
  13. Save and run your transformation to re-populate your target database.

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