Correct Data Quality

Correct Data Quality

Correct Data Quality

Follow these instructions to correct the data quality issue.

  1. Select the Data Integration option in the Perspective dropdown of the main toolbar.
  2. Right-click the Write to Database step from the flow and choose Detach step. Both hops are detached.
  3. Expand the Transform folder in the Design tab and add a Value Mapper step to the transformation.
  4. Draw a hop from the Filter Missing Zips step to the Value Mapper step and select Result is TRUE.
  5. Draw a hop from the Prepare Field Layout step to the Value Mapper step. When prompted to select the output type, select Main Output of Step.
  6. Draw a hop from the Value Mapper step to the Write to Database step.
  7. Double-click the Value Mapper step to open its edit step properties dialog box.
  8. In the Fieldname to use field, select COUNTRY.
  9. In the first row of the Field Values table, type United States as the Source value and USA as the Target value. Click OK to exit the dialog box.
  10. Save and run the transformation.
  11. Select Visualize in the Perspective dropdown of the main toolbar.
  12. Select the More actions and options button, then select Administration > Clear Cache. When a note indicating that the Analyzer and Mondrian caches have been cleared, click OK.
  13. From the Spoon main menu, select View > Show Visualization Properties.
  14. Click Refresh under the Data section of the Visualization Properties panel and notice that the data has been cleansed.