Deprecation Guidelines
Deprecation Guidelines
Pentaho's software is designed to be extended and customized. This is not only allowed-for, it's encouraged! Therefore it is very important that proper deprecation procedures are followed anytime features of the system are changing or being removed.
Deprecation Procedure
- Create a JIRA case proposing the deprecation.
- If relevant, provide links to the superseding APIs in the Jira case.
- Assign the case to the governing architect.
- Send notification of the case to the team leads / architects involved with the affected project.
- If there’s agreement to proceed, make the change.
- The architect should then work with PM and other stakeholders to determine how long the deprecated features should be supported.
- Keep the case open and set the fix version for the next major release when there's agreement that the deprecated features can be removed
General Guidelines
- Deprecated features need to continue to work!!
- Tests involving the deprecated features must not be removed. If there are superseding features, they need to be tested in addition to the deprecated ones.
- Deprecated items should be preserved until the next major release at the least.
Java Deprecation
- Use both the @Deprecated annotation on the affected Class / Method / Field to generate compiler warnings, as well as @deprecated inside the javadoc comment
- There should be a short sentence immediately following the @deprecated javadoc tag explaining when and why it’s deprecated.
/** * @deprecated As of release 6.0, use {@link Clazz#method()} instead **/ void verify();
- Optionally, if there needs to be more description, the paragraph following @deprecated will also be associated with the deprecation tag and presented appropriately in the Javadoc
/** * @deprecated As of release 6.0, no longer needed. * Calls to verify will do nothing as of the 5.1 release. Verification happens as part of the connect * method. You can safely remove these calls **/ void verify();
- If the replacement API usage is not as simple as a method/class name change covered by a {@link}, then the paragraph following the @deprecated tag should include a code snippet showing the new API usage.
/** * @deprecated As of release 6.0. * This class has been replaced by the non-blocking version {@link foo.Clazz} * Usage: * <pre> * Clazz newClass = Clazz.newInstance(); * Future future = newClass.doSomethingInteresting(); * </pre> **/ void OldClazz();
Service Deprecation
Enunciate will use the Javadoc comments in its generated documentation.
- The deprecated service methods should log at the WARN level to alert system admins of deprecated service usage
Javascript Deprecation
- console.warn the deprecated modules / functions with comments similar to Javadoc. Reference the replacements where possible.
- AMD Modules
Warn inside the define not outside, so it flags actual usage vs loading :define( 'common-ui/someModule', function(){ console.warn( "Deprecated: as of 6.0. Use the common-ui/BetterOne module instead." ) return { ... } }
- Functions
function pentahoGet(){ console.warn( "Deprecated: pentaho-ajax.js#pentahoGet is deprecated as of 6.0. Use the 'dojo/Request' module instead." ) }