Test Page 2

Test Page 2

The Quick Brown Fox

The "I can eat glass" sentences do not necessarily show off the orthography of each language to best advantage. In many alphabetic written languages it is possible to include all (or most) letters (or "special" characters) in a single (often nonsense) pangram. These were traditionally used in typewriter instruction; now they are useful for stress-testing computer fonts and keyboard input methods. Here are a few examples (SEND MORE):

  1. English: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  2. Jamaican: Chruu, a kwik di kwik brong fox a jomp huova di liezi daag de, yu no siit?
  3. Irish: "An ?fuil do ?roí ag buala? ó ?aitíos an ?rá a ?eall lena ?óg éada ó ?lí do leasa ?ú?" "D'?uascail Íosa Úr?ac na hÓi?e Beannai?e pór Éava agus Á?ai?."
  4. Dutch: Pa's w?ze lynx bezag vroom het fikse aquaduct.
  5. German: Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. (1)
  6. German: Im fin?teren Jagd?chloß am offenen Felsquellwa??er patzte der affig-flatterhafte kauzig-höf?liche Bäcker über ?einem ver?ifften kniffligen C-Xylophon. (2)
  7. Swedish: Flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor.
  8. Icelandic: Sævör grét áðan því úlpan var ónýt.
  9. Polish: Pchn?? w t? ?ód? je?a lub o?m skrzy? fig.
  10. Czech: P?íliš žlu?ou?ký k?? úp?l ?ábelské kódy.
  11. Slovak: Starý kô? na h?be kníh žuje tíško povädnuté ruže, na st?pe sa ?ate? u?í kváka? novú ódu o živote.
  12. Greek (monotonic): ????????? ??? ????????? ?????????
  13. Greek (polytonic): ????????? ??? ????????? ?????????
  14. Russian:????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?? ????? ???.
  15. Russian:? ????? ??? ?-? ??????? ??, ?? ????????? ?????????! ??.
  16. Bulgarian: ??????? ???? ???? ????????, ?? ?????, ????? ?????, ???????? ???? ????.
  17. Sami (Northern): Vuol Ruo?a ge?ggiid leat má?ga luosa ja ?uovžža.
  18. Hungarian: Árvízt?r? tükörfúrógép.
  19. Spanish: El pingüino Wenceslao hizo kilómetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y frío, añoraba a su querido cachorro.
  20. Portuguese: O próximo vôo à noite sobre o Atlântico, põe freqüentemente o único médico. (3)
  21. French: Les naïfs ægithales hâtifs pondant à Noël où il gèle sont sûrs d'être déçus et de voir leurs drôles d'œufs abîmés.
  22. Esperanto: E?o?an?o ?iu?a?de.
  23. Hebrew: ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???.
  24. Japanese (Hiragana):?????????????
    ????????????? (4)