Scrum Awareness Night

Scrum Awareness Night

Pentaho Corporation and Kenny Rubin, former Managing Director of The Scrum Alliance, would like to invite you to a "Scrum Awareness Night," in which you will have the opportunity to learn about the benefits of the Scrum Agile Development Methodology. Plan on spending about 45 minutes for the presentation followed by a question and answer session. 

There will be appetizers and drinks provided before and after the session.  Stop by to learn, participate and network.  Best of all - it's free!

Please email communityconnection@pentaho.org if you are interested in attending so we can plan appropriately.
When: Jan 14th - from 5:30 - 7:00 PM Eastern 
Where: Hawthorne Suites, Orlando Airport
Directions:  http://www.hawthornsuitesairport.com/hawthorn-orlando-airport-directions.html

Why Attend:
Some Benefits of Using Scrum: 

  • Deliver the highest business value features first 
  • Avoid building features that will never be used by the customer
  • Development can be completed in half the time by avoiding waste, or unnecessary work
  • Well-run Scrums achieve the Toyota effect: four times industry average productivity and twelve times better quality.
  • Scrum removes management pressure from teams
  • Teams are allowed to select their own work, and then self-organize through close communication and mutual agreement within the team on how best to accomplish the work
  • Produce an exciting product for the customer
  • Develop high team spirit and satisfying work
  • Generate high productivity and customer satisfaction 

Why is Pentaho hosting this event?

Ken will be in town working with our engineers to hone their Scrum skills and as an open source company we believe it would be a good opportunity to include the community.
About Kenny Rubin
Kenny has a B.S. in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Tech and an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford and has worked as a developer, product owner, and ScrumMaster on numerous development projects that involve Agile and Scrum. He also has held most executive management roles within software companies including: CEO, COO, VP of Engineering, VP of Product Management, VP of Marketing and VP of Professional Services. 
Kenny has trained over 10,000 people on a variety of topics ranging from Agile/Scrum, Smalltalk development, managing object-oriented projects, and transition management and has consulted with over 200 companies ranging from startups to Fortune 10. He is the co-author of the book "Succeeding with Objects: Decision Frameworks for Project Management," and the primary developer of the Object Behavior Analysis and Design (OBA/D) methodology. 
Kenny also served a one-year term as the Managing Director of the Scrum Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on the world-wide adoption of the Scrum development process.