

Note: This capability is not available at this time.

This page describes Pentaho's integration with Sqrrl.

Sqrrl Input Step

The Sqrrl Input Step allows a DI Developer to connect to a Sqrrl server, enter a Sqrrl query, and get results back for use within a PDI Transformation.  Define your connection settings, query, and then get the fields on the fields tab to determine the query metadata.   Once you've completed those steps, it's now possible to stream data from Sqrrl into your transformation.


Before using the Sqrrl Input Step, you must have read access to a Sqrrl server.  Please contact the Sqrrl system administrator for Host and Port details.

Connection Settings



Host name or IP Address

The host name or IP address of the Sqrrl server.


The port of the Sqrrl server, the default value is 42425, but your administrator may have changed the port number.


The username to authenticate with.


The password to authenticate with.

Query Definition



Execute for Each Row

If checked, for each row of data coming into the step, a new query will be issued.  It's possible to reference incoming fields of data using the ?{<Field>} syntax.  For instance, if you wanted to use the incoming field "Size" to drive the limit of results coming in, you could define the following query: select * limit ?{Size}

Sqrrl dataset

The name of the dataset to read from

Sqrrl query expression

The Sqrrl expression to execute.  Please see Sqrrl Documentation for correct syntax.

Sqrrl Output Step

The Sqrrl Output Step allows a DI Developer to connect to a Sqrrl server, and write records to a dataset.


Before using the Sqrrl Output Step, you must have write access to a Sqrrl server.  Please contact the Sqrrl system administrator for Host and Port details.

Connection Settings




The host name or IP address of the Sqrrl server.


The port of the Sqrrl server, the default value is 42425, but your administrator may have changed the port number.


The username to authenticate with.


The password to authenticate with.

Socket Timeout

The amount of time the socket should stay open without receiving information from the server.

Output Options




The name of the dataset to write to

Truncate dataset

If true, this deletes the dataset and recreates it based on the same metadata of the previous version


The Fields table allow mapping of incoming fields to a Sqrrl JSON submission. To allow for updating, specify Y in the "Update UUID Field" column for the field that references the UUID. To prevent null UUIDs from being written as new entries, specify "Update" only as the write "Modifier apply policy".