Publishing an Analysis Schema Using Schema Workbench
You can publish an analysis schema you created using the Schema Workbench on the Pentaho BI Platform. Follow the instructions below to publish your analysis schema:
- In Schema Workbench go to Save > File and save the schema to the Pentaho Solutions repository, as in ..\pentaho-solutions\samples\analysis. You can also save the file on your local device and then transfer it to the Pentaho solutions repository on a remote BI server. Make sure you specify *.mondrian.xml when you save the file.
- To test a simple MDX query, go to File > New > MDX Query. A success message appears.
- Enter a query in the top portion of the MDX Query window.
Note: If query fails to return data then there may be an issue. Adjust the schema design accordingly and retest. Most common problems are the data types being used. It is possible for the schema to still run successfully when deployed to the Pentaho Platform.
- First, open the Mondrian Schema file you would like to publish within the Workbench.
- To begin the publishing process, in the Schema Workbench go to File > Publish. If you have not saved your schema a warning message appears.
- In the Repository Login dialog box enter the appropriate information and credentials to log on to the the BI server. You must provide the server's publish password, which is located in publish_config.xml in pentaho-solutions/system, and valid Pentaho user credentials (User ID and Password).
- After logging on to the server, in the Publish Schema dialog box, select the appropriate location to publish your schema. If you are not sure where to publish the schema, click the browse button to display a tree view of the entire solution repository.
- In the JNDI Data Source field, enter the JNDI name.
This JNDI name must already be configured correctly on the Server. Please see xxxxx for information on configuring JNDI Datasources on Pentaho's BI Server. If an invalid JNDI name is provided, the Mondrian file will be placed within Pentaho's Solution Repository, but the pentaho-solutions/system/olap/datasources.xml file will not be updated, and the schema will not be available as an XMLA service.
- Click Enable XMLA Data Source if you want your schema exposed as an XMLA Web Service.
- Click Publish. The Mondrian schema file will be uploaded to Pentaho's BI Server, and the pentaho-solutions/system/olap/datasources.xml will be updated to include the new Mondrian DataSource. If successful, this Schema will now appear in the New Analysis View dialog [include link to that doc here] within the Pentaho BI Server, and if selected, will also be available as an XMLA service.