The following are the steps needed to create a successful Time Series Chart / Report depicting CPU, Memory, Filesystem, etc... .
- Open a new report
- Click on "Design" at bottom of screen
- Add your data source via the "Data" tab, "Add DataSource" button
- Build your query making sure to include
- Datetime value
- By Value (example would be machine name)
- Class value (example would be a column with CPU IDs or filesystem names)
- Value (the value you are about to chart)
- Make sure your ORDER BY values are in the following order
- By value
- Datetime
- Add a Group to the report
- On the right side of the screen, select the "Content" tab.
- Select the master-report
- "Add Group .." from the Toolbar and specifiy the following properties
- Name - the name of this group
- Group Fields - The "BY" column identified in your SQL statement1. An example that I use is "machine"
- Add a chart-element: drag it from the palette on the left-hand side of the screen into the new group-footer.
- Double click on the chart-element to open the chart-editor
- Select XY-LineChart as chart-type
- Make sure "TimeSeries-Collector" is selected in the selection-box on top of the right table. This defines the data for your chart.
- Update the following "required" properties
- Domain Period Type
- Series-by-field - "Class", the column of data that has the names for the series
- category-time-column - the column of data that has the datetime stamps
- value-column - the column of data that has the values you are ploting
- In the left-hand table, edit the properties for your chart. Update the following properties
- Title - The title placed at top of each report
- Show Legend (check / true) - if you have more than one class value in your data, this is usefull
- Preview the report (click on the "eye" icon in the lower toolbar).
Feel free to go back to the chart-editor and adjust the various properties.