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@echo off
ECHO This an example of a batch file calling the repository_export.kjb

cd C:\Pentaho\pdi-ee-4.2.1-GA\data-integration

call kitchen.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb (file:C:\Pentaho\_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb) "/param:rep_name=PDI2000" "/param:rep_user=joe" "/param:rep_password=password" "/param:rep_folder=/public/dev" "/param:target_filename=C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\export\dev.xml"

if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo Export finished successfull.
goto finished

echo ERROR: An error occured during repository export.

REM Allow the user to read the message when testing, so having a pause

The sample is attached to this page.