How do I become a PUG leader?
Become a PUG leader by being a PUG leader. The field is wide open for people to step up and organize meetings in their local area. There is no criteria other than having set up successful meetings and gotten people to attend. You can email usergroups@pentaho.com about becoming a PUG Leaderfor advice or ideas for setting up a group. Social media sites like linkedin, Yahoo!, meetup.com, facebook, XING, Skills Matter, etc can been used to find interested people and coordinate meetings. PUGs that have a small group or pair of leaders are typically more organized successful than groups with a single leader, as running a successful PUG can be a lot of work. Stay tuned for the Pentaho User Group Starter Kit that will have tips and best practices on how to start, run and grow a PUG.
What does a PUG leader do?
I have an idea for Pentaho User Groups. Who can I tell?
Email Everybody! Again, use any and all social media sites you participate in to find interested people in your area. There are Pentaho intrest groups on most of them like linkedin, yahoo, meetup.com, XING, etc. You can also email usergroups@pentaho.com or post your ideas to the Community Discussion Forum for a broader audience.
My company would like to sponsor a Pentaho User Group.
Our goal with That would be great. Groups need a place to meet and refreshments so sponsors are key to success. The groups are a great way to make people aware of products and services that are available in their area. I caution against treating PUG meetings as a way to get a captive audience just for your sales pitch. Best case, that will work one time. Our desire for each group is to facilitate openness in education, networking and community. If the groups feels that this align with their interest, it is up to themgroup members feel like the meetings are valuable to them, and keep coming back, then you are on the right track.
I am the premier Pentaho Partner in my area and I'd like to be the exclusive leader and sponsor for the local group.
Great! Then be the first to organize a meetup in your area and provide such tremendous value in your leadership that your group dominates. Since the groups and their members are not owned by Pentaho, and this is a community driven program, there is no exclusive anything to give out no matter how awesome we think you are as a partner.
Does Pentaho grant money to User Groups?
Starting in 2011, Pentaho will start a Grant program for Pentaho User Groups to applyWe don't have an official program in place but we do want to recognize successful PUGs. For groups that are proving successful, we will help sponsor meetings, send people to give talks, buy refreshments, etc. We are open to helping successful groups offset the costs of organization by paying for services like meetup.com. Contact usergroups@pentaho.com if you have any ideas how we can help your group grow and continue success.
Can PUGs charge dues?
Yes, a PUG can elect to charge dues. These dues might typically cover the cost of a particular event, web hosting fees, etc. It is up to each PUG whether or not they'd like to charge dues and how said dues are collected or spent.