- Your first step is to make sure that the Pentaho sample data is up and running. If you haven't done it yet, you should unzip the pentaho demo data package to a working directory.
- Start your sample databases using the start_hypersonic.bat (or .sh, depending on platform) file in the root directory of the demo data that you just unzipped. You should see a new command window with several Hypersonic messages displayed. This is a good indication that your databases started successfully.
- Next, unzip the Pentaho Report Designer to a directory of your choice. Start the designer using the startdesigner.bat (or .sh, depending on platform) file in the root directory.
- The easiest way to get your report started is to walk through the designer's Report Wizard. From the File menu, select the Report Wizard... option.
- The first step in the wizard is to select the type of dataset that you want to use in your report. For our example, we want to use a JDBC Dataset, so select the "JDBC dataset" from the combo box. Choose the Next button.
- The next step in the wizard asks for your Connection Settings. These are the parameters that you need to define in order to connect to your database. Add the following connection information:
- Jar: Location of the hsqldb.jar - This jar can be found under the Pentaho demo data directory, in the lib directory. So, if you installed the demo data to d:\pentaho-data, then the hsqldb.jar is located at d:\pentaho-data\lib\hsqldb.jar.
- DriverName: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
- Connect String: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sampledata
- Password: password
- Click the Test Connection button to see if your connection settings work. If you get a "Connection Successful" dialog, then you are golden! Click the Next button to move on.