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Prints reports and content to a named printer accessible from the computer hosting the solution engine.  The content to print can be specified in one of two ways.


# Specify the file as a *printFile* resource or component setting.


# Have a previous action in the sequence output content to the parameter *report-output*.



Currently, the org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.JFreeComponent, org.pentaho.plugin.eclipsebirt.BIRTComponent, and org.pentaho.plugin.jasperreports.JasperComponent have the ability to generate report content as *report-output*. If no content to print is specified, the action sequence will fail.


h4. *Component Name:


* PrintComponent

h4. *Inputs:


*printFile* \- string _If not specified, the report-output parameter is used.



*printerName* \- string _If not specified, the default printer is used_
*copies* \- number

h4. *Outputs:*
*last-printer-selected* \- string _If not specified in the action-outputs and action-inputs, value is not set._