- Retrieve a list of actions available to the logged in user from the Solution Repository
- Retrieve a list of OLAP schemas available to the logged in user from the Solution Repository
- Retrieve a list of Business Models available to the logged in user from the Solution Repository
- Retrieve a list of previously executed reports actions from the content repository (either scheduled or background)
- Retrieve a list of reports actions currently being executed by the platform (either scheduled or background)
- Retrieve a list or single user preferences
- Authenticate an external user to the platform
- Execute an action and display generated content (generally HTML)
- Execute an action and retrieve the results data (JSON or XML)
- Discover the parameters for an action before execution (JSON or XML)
- Add a new action to the repository
- Remove a solution an action from the repsitory
- Update an existing action state to the repository
- Load existing action state from the repository
- Schedule action for immediate, delayed or recurring execution
- Specify action delivery to (screen, inbox, email, rss feed, printer, jms, file)
- Update action ACL
- Retrieve existing action input and output parameters from repository (source, datatype, and defaults)