Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titlecreateChartTableModel: Dummy Data
  private static ChartTableModel createChartTableModel() {
    // 21 rows and 3 columns
    Object[][] dataArray = { { 5.55, 10.11, 20.22 }, { 30.33, 40.44, 50.55 }, { 31.33, 99.44, 150.55 },
        { 32.33, 1.44, 30.55 }, { 34.33, 88.44, 77.55 }, { 35.33, 22.44, 54.55 }, { 36.33, 33.44, 52.55 },
        { 37.33, 76.44, 54.55 }, { 38.33, 7.44, 59.55 }, { 39.33, 48.44, 56.55 }, { 40.33, 19.44, 57.55 },
        { 50.33, 104.44, 36.55 }, { 60.33, 23.44, 74.55 }, { 20.33, 90.44, 80.55 }, { 60.33, 18.44, 27.55 },
        { 10.33, 22.44, 97.55 }, { 20.33, 59.44, 55.55 }, { 90.33, 140.44, 22.55 }, { 100.33, 56.44, 76.55 },
        { 40.33, 50.44, 50.55 }, { 60.66, 70.77, 80.88 } };

    ChartTableModel data = new ChartTableModel();

    // give names to the categories
    data.setColumnName(0, "budget");
    data.setColumnName(1, "sales");
    data.setColumnName(2, "forecast");

    // give names to the series
    final String ROW_NAME_KEY = "row-name";
    data.setRowMetadata(0, ROW_NAME_KEY, "1");
    data.setRowMetadata(1, ROW_NAME_KEY, "2");
    // ----- lines omitted -----
    data.setRowMetadata(20, ROW_NAME_KEY, "21");
    return data;

Chart Structure

Chart Styling

Generating Charts

Now let's pull all of the pieces together. First we have a main method that "boots" Pentaho ChartBeans. This reads various configuration files and otherwise readies the system for chart processing requests. Next we render one chart using the JFreeChart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans and then we render another chart using the Open Flash Chart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans. Note that both use the same chart document (and referenced stylesheet) as well as the same chart data.


  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // "boot" ChartBeans

    // render chart using JFreeChart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans
    renderUsingJFreeChartPlugin("chartdocs/Bar.xml", createChartTableModel());

    // render same chart using Open Flash Chart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans
    renderUsingOpenFlashChartPlugin("chartdocs/Bar.xml", createChartTableModel());

See how we specify the plugin class in the first line?


Here we add the 21 series to the plot which in turn gets added to the chart.

Code Block
titleDummy Chart Structure

  private static ChartModel createChartModel() {

    List<Series> seriesList = new ArrayList<Series>();
    Series series1 = new Series();
    Series series2 = new Series();

    // lines omitted

    Series series21 = new Series();

    CategoricalBarPlot plot = new CategoricalBarPlot();

    ChartModel chartModel = new ChartModel();
    chartModel.setTitle("Bar Chart Using Pentaho ChartBeans");
    return chartModel;

Chart Styling

For now, styling is included in the Chart Structure when using the Java API.

Generating Charts

Now let's pull all of the pieces together. First we have a main method that "boots" Pentaho ChartBeans. This reads various configuration files and otherwise readies the system for chart processing requests. Next we render one chart using the JFreeChart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans and then we render another chart using the Open Flash Chart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans. Note that both use the same chart document (and referenced stylesheet) as well as the same chart data.

Code Block
titlemain method

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // "boot" ChartBeans

    // remove any output from previous runs

    // render chart using JFreeChart plugin for Pentaho ChartBeans
    renderUsingJFreeChartPlugin(createChartModel(), createChartTableModel(), "chartoutput/Bar.png");

    // use therender same filenamechart asusing theOpen chartDocFilenameFlash exceptChart withplugin afor differentPentaho extensionChartBeans
    String chartOutputFilename =renderUsingOpenFlashChartPlugin(createChartModel(), createChartTableModel(), "chartoutput/Bar.html");

See how we specify the plugin class in the first line?

Code Block
titlerenderUsingJFreeChartPlugin method
  private static +void chartDocFilename.substring(chartDocFilename.indexOf(File.separatorChar), chartDocFilename.indexOf('.'))renderUsingJFreeChartPlugin(final ChartModel chartModel, final ChartTableModel chartTableModel,
      final String chartOutputFilename) throws + ".png";Exception {
    final URLIChartPlugin chartURLplugin = new File(chartDocFilename).toURL(ChartPluginFactory.getInstance("org.pentaho.chart.plugin.jfreechart.JFreeChartPlugin");
    ChartDocumentContext cdc = ChartFactory.generateChart(chartURLchartModel, chartTableModel);
    IOutput output = plugin.renderChartDocument(cdc, chartTableModel);
    OutputUtils.persistChart(output, chartOutputFilename, IOutput.OutputTypes.FILE_TYPE_PNG, 400/*px*/, 400400/*px*/);
// 400px x 400px

The Open Flash Chart example is a little more complicated because we have to embed the chart data in an HTML document. Whereas in the JFreeChart example, the bytes for the PNG image went to the chartOutputFilename, in this example, we write the Pentaho ChartBeans output to a String which contains the JSON that will configure the Open Flash Chart object when rendered by the browser.


Code Block
titlerenderUsingOpenFlashChartPlugin method
  private static void renderUsingOpenFlashChartPlugin(final StringChartModel chartDocFilenamechartModel,
      final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final String chartOutputFilename) throws Exception {
    final IChartPlugin plugin = ChartPluginFactory

URL chartURL = new File(chartDocFilename).toURL();
    ChartDocumentContext cdc = ChartFactory.generateChart(chartURLchartModel, chartTableModel);
    IOutput output = plugin.renderChartDocument(cdc, chartTableModel);

    ByteArrayOutputStream tmpOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    output.persistChart(tmpOut, IOutput.OutputTypes.DATA_TYPE_STREAM, 400, 400);
    final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(tmpOut.toByteArray());
    String openFlashChartJson = IOUtils.toString(in, ENCODING);

    final String HTML_TEMPLATE = "<html>\n" 
        + "  <head>\n"
        + "    <title>Bar Chart Using Open Flash Chart Plugin</title>\n"
        + "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">window.getChartData = function() '{' return ''{0}''; '}'</script>\n"
        + "  </head>\n" + "  <body>\n"
        + "    <object id=\"ofco00b1c87708fe11dea97da1e1ba5b86bc\" height=\"100%\" align=\"middle\" width=\"100%\" \n"
        + "    codebase=\",0,0,0\" \n"
        + "    classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"> \n"
        + "    <param value=\"sameDomain\" name=\"allowScriptAccess\"/><param value=\"opaque\" name=\"wmode\"/> \n"
        + "    <param value=\"open-flash-chart-full-embedded-font.swf?get-data=getChartData\" name=\"movie\"/> \n"
        + "    <param value=\"high\" name=\"quality\"/><embed id=\"ofce00b1c87708fe11dea97da1e1ba5b86bc\" \n"
        + "    height=\"100%\" align=\"middle\" width=\"100%\" \n"
        + "    pluginspage=\"\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" \n"
        + "    allowscriptaccess=\"sameDomain\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" quality=\"high\" wmode=\"opaque\" \n"
        + "    src=\"open-flash-chart-full-embedded-font.swf?get-data=getChartData\"/></object>\n" + "  </body>\n" + "</html>";

    String html = MessageFormat.format(HTML_TEMPLATE, new String[] { openFlashChartJson });
    String chartOutputFilename = "chartoutput/"
        + chartDocFilename.substring(chartDocFilename.indexOf(File.separatorChar), chartDocFilename.indexOf('.'))
        + ".html";
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(chartOutputFilename), html, "UTF-8");
