Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Wiki Markup

h2. Bar\Line Combination Chart

The bar\line combination chart plots a set of values as bars for each specified series in the given dataset. This chart will also plot specified series as lines, using the right axis as a range axis for the line series, and the left axis as the range axis for the bars.

h3. Dataset Guidelines

This chart expects its data as a [categorical dataset|The Categorical Dataset].

h3. Required Properties

The following properties are required:


Add one *series* element per series that should be plotted as bars.

Add one *series* element per series that should be plotted as lines.
The example below contains the full set of additional supported properties with comments on its purpose and valid values.&nbsp; It is recommended that new users start with this example as a starting place for building your first flash chart.

h3. Example

The following chart definition will produce the chart in the example below.
  <!-- Define the chart type -->

  	<!-- Specify the title of the chart -->
  	<title>Chart Title</title>

	  <!-- Map Series to Chart Type -->


 	 <!-- General Chart Attributes -->
   		 <!-- additional properties specific to sketch charts -->

  <!-- General Chart Formatting Propeties -->
  	<chart-background type="color">#FFffff</chart-background>
  	<plot-background type="color">#ffffff</plot-background>

  	<!-- Define what to display in hover tips -->
  	<!-- <tooltip> -->
   		 <!-- #top# -->
		    <!-- #bottom# -->
   		 <!-- #val# -->
		    <!-- #x_label# -->
		    <!-- #key# -->
	  <!-- </tooltip> -->

  	<!--  X-Axis properties (domain)-->
  	<domain-title>Domain Title</domain-title>

 	 <!--  Y-Axis properties (range) -->
 	 <range-title>Range Title</range-title>


 	 <!-- Secondary Y-Axis properties (line-range) -->
	  <line-range-title>Line Range Title</line-range-title>


 	 <!-- Specify the color palette for the chart -->
