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{scrollbar} h2. Bubble Chart {anchor:bubblechart} A bubble chart draws bubbles for each point in a series. The chart expects three values per bubble: the domain (commonly the X-axis) value, the range (commonly the y-axis) value, and a third value (the Z value) that determines the size of the bubble to draw around the point. The size of the bubble is derived from an algorithm that takes the Z value, divides it by the maximum Z value in the dataset, then multiplies that number by the *max-bubble-size* property value. See the section on required properties below for more information on the *max-bubble-size* property. h3. Dataset Guidelines This chart expects its data as an [XYZ dataset|The XYZ Dataset]. h3. Required Properties The following properties are required: *chart-type* {code:XML} <chart-type>BubbleChart</chart-type> {code} *dataset-type* {code:XML} <dataset-type>XYZSeriesCollection</dataset-type> {code} *max-bubble-size* The max-bubble-size property is defaulted to zero, so in order to see your bubbles, you'll need to set this property\! The value should be between 1 and 100, as a percentage of smaller to larger. {code:XML} <max-bubble-size>90</max-bubble-size> {code} The example below contains the full set of additional supported properties with comments on its purpose and valid values. It is recommended that new users start with this example as a starting place for building your first flash chart. h3. Example The following chart definition will produce thea chart similar into the example below. {code:XML} <chart> <!-- Define the chart type --> <chart-type>BubbleChart</chart-type> <!-- Specify the title of the chart --> <title>Chart Title</title> <title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>18</size> <is-bold>true</is-bold> </title-font> <!-- General Chart Attributes --> <dataset-type>XYSeriesCollection</dataset-type> <!-- formatted label, using {0} - series name, {1} - x , {2} - y, {3} - z --> <bubble-label-content>{0},{1},{2},{3}</bubble-label-content> <bubble-label-z-format>$#,###</bubble-label-z-format> <!-- formatted using java decimal format, ie #,### --> <!-- General Chart Formatting Propeties --> <chart-background type="color">#FFFFFF</chart-background> <plot-background type="color">#FFFFFF</plot-background> <!-- X-Axis properties (domain)--> <domain-title>Domain Title</domain-title> <domain-title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>14</size> <is-bold>false</is-bold> </domain-title-font> <domain-minimum></domain-minimum> <!-- defines the minimum starting point for x-axis --> <domain-maximum></domain-maximum> <!-- defines the maximum ending point for x-axis --> <domain-color>#000000</domain-color> <!-- color of x-axis --> <domain-grid-color>#FFFFFF</domain-grid-color> <!-- color of vertical grid lines --> <domain-stroke>1</domain-stroke> <!-- thickness of the x-axis --> <domain-steps>6</domain-steps> <!-- specify the number of ticks, defaults to auto-calculated number --> <!-- Y-Axis properties (range) --> <range-title>Range Title</range-title> <range-title-font> <font-family>Arial</font-family> <size>14</size> <is-bold>false</is-bold> </range-title-font> <range-minimum></range-minimum> <!-- defines minimum starting point for y-axis --> <range-maximum></range-maximum> <!-- defines maximum ending point for y-axis --> <range-color>#000000</range-color> <!-- color of y-axis --> <range-grid-color>#EAEAEA</range-grid-color> <!-- color of horizontal grid lines --> <range-stroke>1</range-stroke> <!-- thickness of y-axis --> <range-steps>6</range-steps> <!-- specify number of ticks, defaults to auto-calculated number --> <!-- Specify the color palette for the chart --> <color-palette> <color>#0f3765</color> <color>#880a0f</color> <color>#B09A6B</color> <color>#772200</color> <color>#C52F0D</color> <color>#123D82</color> <color>#4A0866</color> <color>#445500</color> <color>#FFAA00</color> <color>#1E8AD3</color> <color>#AA6611</color> <color>#772200</color> <color>#8b2834</color> </color-palette> </chart> {code} !flash_bubble.jpg! |
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