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{scrollbar} {quote} *{_}Note{_}*: The content on this page is not complete and the features described here are still under development. {quote} h1. Defining a data source on Tomcat The Pre-configured Installation (PCI) includes sample data and reports; however, if you are evaluating Pentaho you will want to use and display your own data in the BI Platform. The PCI includes an Apache Tomcat 5.5 Application Server, which provides you with the means to connect to your database using JNDI. For the PCI to access your database, you must configure a data source on Tomcat. Defining a data source requires a JDBC class name for the database driver, data source URL (server name, port number, database name) and the user ID and password needed to connect the database. Contact your database administrator to get the specific details about your database. !data_sources0421.png|align=center! \\ Follow the instructions below to and and configure the data source: # In the Administration Console go to *Administration* > *Data Source*. # Click + (add) if you cannot find your data source in the list. # In the left panel, type an easy-to-remember *JNDI Name*. JNDI is an interface that allows an application server to locate your database. # Enter the maximum number of active instances, (*Max Active Conn*), that can be allocated from this pool at the same time. # Type or select the *Driver Class* from the list. The database driver name you select depends on the type of database you are accessing. For example, _org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver_ is a sample driver name for a HypersonicSQL database. # Enter the maximum number of connections that can sit idle (*\# Idle Conn*) in this pool at the same time. # Type the *User ID* and *Password* required to access your database. # Type or select the *URL* from the list. This is the URL of your database. For example, _jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sampledata_. JDBC establishes a connection to a SQL-based database and sends and processes SQL statements. # Enter a *Validation Query*. This SQL query that can be used by the pool to validate connections before they are returned to the application. If specified, this query _must_ be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row. # Enter the maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will "wait" (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. # Click *Test*. A success message appears if the connection is established. # Click *Update* to save your entries. See also: [] [] |
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