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{scrollbar} {quote} (-) *{_}Important{_}*: This document is currently under construction. None of the features described in this document are available; development is in progress. {quote} h1. Using the Scheduler The Scheduler allows you to create subscription schedules and associate them action sequences. Action sequences perform tasks from displaying a message to bursting thousands of reports as part of a larger work flow. A subscription schedule starts, update, delete, run, suspend, and resume one or more schedules in the BI Platform. In addition, you can suspend and resume the Scheduler itself. In the context of the BI platform, a schedule is a time (or group of times) associated with an action sequence (or group of action sequences). In most instances, the output of an action sequence that runsassociated with a schedule is a report; for andexample, emailsa thesales resultreport to which a user. When a piece of content is defined as being something to which a user can subscribe, a Subscribe button appears on the parameter page when a user executes that action sequence. To manage what content a user subscribes to, you must define the action sequences that are available for subscription. Each action sequence defined may be assigned a set of schedules from which a user can choose. Scheduled misfires are handled according to a set of predefined rules. manager or salesperson can subscribe. As the administrator, the schedule (or schedules) you designate determines when an action sequence (or action sequences) is allowed to be executed by subscribers. If you unfamiliar with action sequences, see [Understanding Action Sequences|] in the Wiki.) In addition to associating a time (or group of times in the case of a repeating schedule) with an action sequence (or group of action sequences), the subscription schedule provides an association with a user's Workspace. When an action sequence runs on its defined schedule, the output of the action sequence (usually, a report) is archived in the workspace of the user who subscribes to the action sequence. This allows the user to view the output of the action sequence (usually a report) at any time following its execution. (For more information on subscriptions and My Workspace see: {quote} *Note*: Currently, the Scheduler does not provide support for managing non-subscription (regular) schedules. {quote} h2. Entering Schedules in the Schedule Creator Dialog Box Enter schedules associated with your action sequences in the Schedule Creator dialog box. The Schedule Creator makes it easy for you to enter schedules without having to worry about creating CRON expressions; however, it provides you with the option to enter CRON expressions if that is your preference. Follow the instructions below to use the Schedule Creator: # In the main page of the Pentaho Open Admin Console, click *Administration*. # Click the *Scheduler* tab. # In the *Scheduler*, click first icon on the left to open the *Scheduler Creator* dialog box. # Under *Schedule*, enter a *Name* for the schedule, for example, Monthly Sales. # Enter a *Group* associated with the schedule, for example, Sales Schedules. # Enter a short *Description* of the schedule. for example, "Schedule runs on the first of each month, schedule runs on Monday of each week." # Select a *Recurrence Type*. You can schedule the action sequence to run once at a particular date and time only, or have it recur in seconds, minutes, hours, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or yearly,recur based on a Cron string. The options underin the Recurrence Editor change depending on the type of recurrence type you select. # Click *OK*. {quote} *{_}Note{_}{*}_:_ You can use the Schedule Creator to enter a Cron expression manually by selecting Cron from the *Recurrence Type* list. See [CRON Expressions in Detail|] to learn more about CRON expressions. {quote} h2. Adding the Action Sequences After you add your schedules, you must associate them with action sequences. Follow the instructions below to enter the paths to the action sequences: # Under *Scheduled Action*, enter the path to each action sequence separated by commas. # Click *OK*. h3. Examining the List of Schedules As you create new schedules, the schedules appear in a list box. By examining the list, you can identify the *Name* and *Group* associated with each schedule. You can also determine the status (*State*) of each schedule and read a brief description of the schedule. In addition, you can determine when the schedule was first run (*Fire Time - Last/Next*) and when it will run again. The icons on the top left corner of the Scheduler page allow you to perform tasks such as: * *Create * \- Allows you to create a schedule * *Edit * \- Allows you to edit the details of a schedule * *Delete * \- Allows you to delete a specified schedule; however, if the schedule is currently executing in a scheduler thread it continues to execute but no new instances are run * *Suspend * \- Allows you to pause a specified schedule. Once the job is paused the only way to start it again is with a Resume * *Resume * \- Allows you to resume a previously suspended schedule. Once the schedule is resumed the Scheduler applies misfire rules if needed * *Run Now* \- Allows you to run a schedule immediately \\ h2. |
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