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# Export the CA private key and CA certificate into a format suitable for the JVM keystore.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in myca.key -out myca.key.der -outform der
openssl x509 -in myca.crt -out myca.crt.der -outform der

# Import the CA private key and CA certificate into a temporary keystore
# The command below uses the attached Java class.
java -Dkeystore=MyCAKeystore -cp . comu.ImportKey myca.key.der myca.crt.der

# Export the CA certificate out of the temporary keystore.
keytool -export -alias importkey -file myca.crt.jks -keystore MyCAKeystore

# Import the CA certificate into the cacerts file.
sudo keytool -import -alias mypentahoca -keystore cacerts -trustcacerts -file ~/tmp/myca.crt.jks



# Export the server private key and server certificate into a format suitable for the server keystore.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in server.key -out server.key.der -outform der
openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.crt.der -outform der

# Import the server private key and server certificate into the server keystore.
# The command below uses the attached Java class.
java -Dkeystore=TomcatKeystore -Dkeypass=changeit -cp . comu.ImportKey server.key.der server.crt.der tomcat



# install libnss3-tools package if necessary before running pk12util
pk12util -i me.pkcs12 -d ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default

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