Code Block | ||||
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<window id="general-datasource-window" title="Database Connection" orient="vertical" height="605" width="700" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" xmlns:pen="http://www.pentaho.org/2008/xul" > ... |
Extension Elements
Extension Attributes
Extension Attributes Defined for All XUL Elements
The following attributes are common extensions to all XUL elements:
The customclass attribute allows you to override one of the standard component rendering classes with a custom class for that element. The value of the customclass element should be the name of the handler that is mapped to the custom classname in the framework's loading engine.
The custom class is required to implement the same interface that the standard element implements, in order to keep the functional code clean (without references to the custom components). For example, if I declare the following definition:
Code Block |
<label id="custom-url-label" value="Custom Connection URL:" />
<textbox pen:customclass="variabletextbox" id="custom-url-text" />