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data -- also may use "default", specifies the main datasource to use for this jfreereport.  Other datasources may be defined for subreports, their names must match that of the subreport query source.
class-location -- used in conjunction with report-jar, this may specify the data source class location.
config_parameters -- specifies a map or result set that is used to populate jfreereport configuration properties
report-definition -- dynamically references a provided jfreereport resource definition
resource-name -- specifies the resource name in which to load the jfreereport resource definition
report-location -- used in conjunction with report-jar, this may specify the jfreereport resource definition
res-url -- optional input that may specify the base url
printer-name -- if specified, the printer jfree component is used to generate the report.
output-type -- the type of output to be generated by jfreereport.  Valid options include html, pdf, csv, xml, rtf, xls,

Report Specification -- The JFree Report definition or Report Wizard Specification to use when generating the report.
Report Data -- The report data. Often this is the output of a SQL Query action. This is required only if the Report Specification is a Report Wizard Specification (*.xreportspec).

Report Parameters -- The format in which to generate the report (Ex. Html, xsl).
Report Format -- The stylesheet to use when displaying the report.
Report Destination -- The name of the output variable in which to save the report.swing-preview
yield-rate --
create_private_report -- if set to true, clones the report object to guarantee a single use
report-priority -- specifies the thread priority when generating the jfreereport.  Valid options include normal, lower, and lowest

Html Specific Inputs:
content-handler --  specifies the content handler

Excel Specific Inputs:
workbook -- defines the workbook name to be used when generating the xls file

Swing Preview Specific Inputs:
report-controler -- a reference to the report controller
parent-dialog -- a reference to the parent dialog
modal -- true if dialog should be modal
progress-bar -- true if progress bar is to be displayed
progress-dialog -- true if progress dialog is to be displayed


report-output --  the default name of the output stream.  Any other output defined will be used in place of the report-output as a name.


