- <action-sequence> REQUIRED - Top level node for the Action Sequence Document
- <name> NOT REQUIRED - The name of the Action Sequence, it must match the file name of the document.
- <version> NOT USED - The version of this document
- <title> NOT REQUIRED - Friendly name of the document. Used for display only
- <logging-level> NOT REQUIRED - Sets the logging level for the entire Action Sequence. Valid values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL. If no logging level is set, ERROR will be used.
- <documentation> NOT REQUIRED - Contains descriptive nodes used for generating documentation.
- <author> - NOT REQUIRED - The author of this Action Sequence
- <description> - NOT REQUIRED - Short (1-3 lines) description of the Action Sequence. This description is used by the solution navigation component to generate its display.
- <help> - NOT REQUIRED - Long Description of the Action Sequence including instructions for it's use by an end user.
- <result-type> - NOT REQUIRED - Type of output this Action Sequence will generate. It is used by the solution navigation component to generate its display. Action Sequences without a result-type will not be displayed by the navigation component. Valid values are: Report, Process, Rule, View and None.
- <icon> - NOT REQUIRED - Thumbnail image that the navigation component will use for generating its display. The path to the image is relative to the directory that the ActionSequence document is in. For example: Example1_image.png
- <inputs> - NOT REQUIRED - Collection of input parameters.
- <param-name type="data-type" > - NOT REQUIRED - param-nameis the name of a parameter that the Action Sequence is expecting to be available at run time. The type attribute specifies the data type of this parameter. See below for valid data types.
- <default-value> - NOT REQUIRED - Allows the input parameter to specify a default value if a value has not been supplied. If the default-value node is present but has no value specified, the user will be prompted for the value if possible.
- <sources> - NOT REQUIRED - list of parameter providers in the order they should be queried to obtain a parameter. Valid values are request, session and runtime. Note: if a param-name is set but default-value and sources are both not specified, a validation error will occur.
- <outputs> - NOT REQUIRED - Collection of output parameters.
- <param-name type="data-type" > - NOT REQUIRED - param-nameis the name of a parameter that the Action Sequence is expecting will be set by the time all action-definitions have executed. The type attribute specifies the data type of this parameter. See below for valid data types.
- <logging-level> NOT REQUIRED - Sets the logging level during this execution of the action-definition. Valid values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL. If no logging level is set, ERROR will be used.
- <resources> - NOT REQUIRED - Collection of resource parameters.
- <resource-name > - NOT REQUIRED - resource-nameis the name of a resource that the Action Sequence is expecting to use. The type attribute specifies the data type of this parameter. See below for valid data types.
- <resource-type> - REQUIRED - The name of the type of resource required. Valid values are: solution-file, file and url.
- <location> - REQUIRED - The path to the resource. For a resource-type of "solution-file", the location is a pathname relative to the top level of the current solution. If the resource-type is "file" then the location is assumed to be the a fully qualified path. For resource-type of "url" the location is assumed to be a fully qualified URL.
- <mime-type> - NOT REQUIRED - Gives a hint about the mime type of the resource.
<*actions [loop-on="parameter-name"] > - REQUIRED - The actions node contains "action-definition" nodes and optionally more "actions" nodes. The loop-on attribute is optional. When it is used, the nodes within "actions" will be executed multiple times. It is necessary to specify a parameter that is of type list (string-list or property-map-list) and the group of nodes that will be executed once for each element in the list. An input parameter will be generated with the same name as the loop-on attribute but it will have the value of one element in the list. For example: if a loop-on attribute named "department" is a string-list with department names, then a parameter named department will be available and be set to a different department name for each iteration.
- <actions [loop-on="parameter-name"] > - NOT REQUIRED - Since a single level of looping is not very fun, actions nodes can be nested within actions nodes to any level desired - no matter how silly it may be to do so.
- <action-definition> - REQUIRED (At least 1) - It defines one complete call to a component for execution of a task.
- <action-inputs> - NOT REQUIRED - Collection of action-input parameters.
- <input-name type="data-type" mapping="param"> - NOT REQUIRED - input-name is the name of a parameter that the Action Definition is expecting to be available at run time. The type attribute specifies the data type of this parameter. See 3 - Data Types for valid data types. The mapping attribute allows this input to be mapped to an Action Sequence input or a previous action-definition output with a different name.
- <action-outputs> - NOT REQUIRED - Collection of action-output parameters.
- <output-name type="data-type" > - NOT REQUIRED - output-nameis the name of a parameter that the Component will have set by the time it finishes executing. The type attribute specifies the data type of this parameter. See below for valid data types.
- <component-name> - REQUIRED - The name of the java class that executes the action definition.
- <component-definition> - REQUIRED - The component specific XML definition. See the documentation for the specific component for more information. This node may be empty but it must exist or a validation error will occur.
Note title todo - Verify this is up to date
- Add output destinations
- Add resource types xml and string
- come up with a better way to display this - table maybe?