This has been moved to the Pentaho Documentation: API Documentation for PDI Plattform
In addition to the basic user interface of Carte, there are also web services available that provide execution and status information. These webservices are used by Kettle to orchestrate execution within a clustered environment, but may also be used by third-parties for integration and monitoring.
Carte Status Service
To retrieve status of your Carte node, you can request the following URL:
This returns an XML result, here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <serverstatus> <statusdesc>Online</statusdesc> <transstatuslist> <transstatus> <transname>Row generator test</transname> <id>9ae24a18-d97f-46fc-a3b8-35a8f55b2775</id> <status_desc>Waiting</status_desc> <error_desc/> <paused>N</paused> <stepstatuslist> </stepstatuslist> <first_log_line_nr>0</first_log_line_nr> <last_log_line_nr>0</last_log_line_nr> <logging_string><![CDATA[]]></logging_string> </transstatus> </transstatuslist> <jobstatuslist> </jobstatuslist> </serverstatus>
Transformation Status Service
The following webservice provides status of a specific transformation within Carte:
http://localhost:<PORT>/kettle/transStatus/?xml=y&name=<TRANSFORMATION NAME>&id=<TRANSFORMATION ID>
Note that the Name and ID can be retrieved from the Carte Status webservice above.
Example XML Result:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <transstatus> <transname>Row generator test</transname> <id>9ae24a18-d97f-46fc-a3b8-35a8f55b2775</id> <status_desc>Waiting</status_desc> <error_desc/> <paused>N</paused> <stepstatuslist> </stepstatuslist> <first_log_line_nr>0</first_log_line_nr> <last_log_line_nr>2</last_log_line_nr> <logging_string><![CDATA[H4sIAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA=]]></logging_string> </transstatus>
Job Status Service
The following webservice provides status of a specific job within Carte:
http://localhost:<PORT>/kettle/jobStatus/?xml=y&name=<JOB NAME>&id=<JOB ID>
Services List
ID |
Name |
Request class |
Response class |
addExport |
Upload a resources export file |
WebResult |
addJob |
Add a job to the server |
JobConfiguration |
WebResult |
addTrans |
Add a transformation for execution |
TransConfiguration |
WebResult |
allocateSocket |
Service for the allocation of server sockets |
cleanupTrans |
Cleanup a transformation: close remote sockets, ... |
executeTrans |
Execute (prepare and start) a specific transformation and pass output to the servlet |
getSlaves |
List all registered slave servers |
jobImage |
Generate a PNG image of a job |
jobStatus |
Get the status of a job |
SlaveServerJobStatus |
listSocket |
Lists server socket allocation information |
nextSequence |
Get the next block of values for a sequence |
pauseTrans |
Pause or continue a transformation |
WebResult |
prepareExec |
Prepare the execution of a transformation |
WebResult |
registerSlave |
Register a slave server |
WebResult |
removeJob |
Remove a job from the server |
WebResult |
removeTrans |
Remove a transformation |
WebResult |
runJob |
Run a job directly from a repository |
WebResult |
runTrans |
Run a transformation directly from a repository |
WebResult |
sniffStep |
Sniff test a transformation step |
startExec |
Start the execution of a transformation |
WebResult |
startJob |
Start a job |
WebResult |
startTrans |
Prepare and start the execution of a transformation |
WebResult |
status |
Get the status of the server |
SlaveServerStatus |
stopCarte |
Stop the Carte server (6.0 or later) |
stopJob |
Stop a job |
WebResult |
stopTrans |
Stop a transformation |
WebResult |
transImage |
Generate a PNG image of a transformation |
transStatus |
The the status of a transformation |
SlaveServerTransStatus |