David Kincade, Pentaho Dev Manager, demonstrated how to use and deploy reports using the Embedded Reporting SDK. He also covered some of the reporting API.
Topics include:
- Basics of Embedding
- Initializing the engine
- Generating Data
- Parametrization
- Generating the report
- Generating Report Definitions
Slide Deck
EmeddingReporting.pdf - PDF format
EmeddingReporting.odp - Open Office format
The recording is now available on the WebEx service site. Click the link below to download or play it:
Pentaho Community Techncal WebEx - Embedded Reporting with the Pentaho reporting SDK-20090902 1405
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 10:05 am New York (Eastern Time, GMT-04:00)
32 Minutes
Other Resources
Downloading the SDK
http://sourceforge.net/projects/jfreereport/files/03. SDK/ - SDK on SourceForge
Reporting Engine including SDK: http://source.pentaho.org/viewvc/pentaho-reporting/engines/classic/trunk/
JavaDoc - http://javadoc.pentaho.com/reporting/
SDK Document - SDK Documentation is located in the SDK download.