Notes from 11.15.2007 Chart Discussion

Notes from 11.15.2007 Chart Discussion

Thomas Morgner, Kurtis Cruzada, Gretchen Moran, James Dixon, Marc Batchelor, Doug Moran, John Ternent, Dave Kincade

General Agreement Meeting Objectives:

  1. use cases
  2. architectural approach
  3. data: where it comes from, how it delivered
  4. definition extensibility, to community AND Pentaho
  5. design guidelines

All outcomes of the discussion pertaining to the objectives have been added to the Pentaho ChartBeans page as architecture\requirements definition.
Action Items:

  1. Marc to investigate standard terminology for charting; possible API standards for charting
  2. Marc, Thomas, Kurtis to scope an effort that should produce something useable before year end (Thomas forecast).