Static analysis

Technical Debt Index

When the code is built, we scan it for common error patterns and coding style compliance. Sonar aggregates all of these issues into what's called Technical Debt. It consists of an estimation, in time units, of the amount of work required to address the problems detected. 

The technical debt incurred can be broken down into issues of various levels. As a general rule of thumb, we expect that every project addresses all of issues of the Major level and higher.

Looking at issues for a given project

Issues can be browsed via the issues drilldown menu of projects.

Issues can either be addressed directly in the code (see the options in the screenshot below), or can be set to be ignored by Sonar. This last option requires an active account on the Sonar server. Please consult with DevOps for access.

We do not currently assign issues to users, nor track their status, but we do make use of the option to mark certain issues as false positives from within Sonar. This allows for quick resolution of issues that do not warrant a code change but that we still wish to be informed when the rule is violated in the general case.

Searching for issues

The top 'Issues' menu allows you to create filters and reports on the issues. 

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