PDI Two-Way Password Encoding plugins

PDI Two-Way Password Encoding plugins

PDI Two-Way Password Encoding plugins

Since version 5.1 of the Kettle API you can create your own plugin to do password encoding.

Password encoding is used to make it obvious, harder, difficult to near impossible to see which passwords are stored in XML or in repositories.  See here for the standard options available.

Like the other plugins in Kettle you need to implement an interface to get started: TwoWayPasswordEncoderInterface

The init(), encode(), decode() and getPrefixes() methods are rather self explanatory and should be easy to implement.

Once you have your plugin, annotate the class implementing the interface with @TwoWayPasswordEncoderPlugin 

Then you can throw the class in a jar file and place that jar file in the plugins/ folder or a sub-folder of it.

To enable the plugin in Kettle make sure to set the KETTLE_PASSWORD_ENCODER_PLUGIN variable is set to the ID of your plugin (specified in the annotation) in the kettle.properties file.