Simple evaluation (Job Entry)

Simple evaluation (Job Entry)

Simple Evaluation

With this step, you can evaluate contents of a variable or a field in the result stream.

Connect two steps with the output of the Simple Evaluation. The green connection will be called on success, the red one on failure.

Note: If your result stream has multiple rows, the first one will be evaluated.

Evaluating a variable




Source: Evaluate


Select this to evaluate a variable set before

Source: Variable name

e. g. ${VAR1}

Enter the variable name using the usual syntax

Source: Type

String, Number etc.

The type of your variable

Success on: Success when variable set


When this option is selected, the true path is followed when the variable is set.
Note: The job entry checks if the variable is defined, so an empty or null value is also true. When testing this within Spoon you need to delete the line with the variable in the variables section of the Execute a job window. And remember: Once this variable is set, the variable keeps existing, even when deleting it from the list.

Success On: Success condition

Equal/Non equal/etc.

Select the condition to be met for a successful result

Success On: Value


Value to compare the variable to

Evaluating a field




Source: Evaluate

Field from previous result

Select this to evaluate a field value (generated by a transformation using Copy rows to result)

Source: Field name


Enter the field name from the result row

Source: Type

String, Number etc.

The type of your field

Success On: Success condition

Equal/Non equal/etc.

Select the condition to be met for a successful result

Success On: Value


Value to compare the field to

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