This document is meant to provide a brief overview of the Spring Security implementation as configured in the 5.x BA Platform. For more detailed information, see the Security section of the Advanced BI Platform Documentation.
File | Purpose |
web.xml | - contains context-param contextConfigLocation which points to pentaho-spring-beans.xml
- adds Spring Security Filter Chain Proxy filter using targetBean filterChainProxy
pentaho-spring-beans.xml | - imports security centric spring xml config files
applicationContext-spring-security.xml | - defines filterChainProxy which maps filter beans to URL patterns
- defines custom applicationEventMulticaster to ensure order of listeners is preserved
- provide support for anonymous session handling
- adds listeners to start session upon successful authentication event
- httpSessionReuseDetectionFilter
- requestParameterProcessingFilter
- attempt authentication using provided manager when username and password credentials are present
- httpSessionPentahoSessionContextIntegrationFilter
- Provides persistance of PentahoSession between requests for an authenticated user
- Stores Pentaho session in PentahoSessionHolder before filter chain is executed
- Stores Pentaho session in HttpSession after chain is executed
- Limits use of session creation and access to preserve resources
- httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter
- Persists SecurityContext between requests in HttpSession
- defines logoutFilter which uses PentahoLogoutHandler to invalidate PentahoSession and Spring's SecurityContextLogoutHandler to invalidate HttpSession and clear SecurityContext
- securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter
- Adds securityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper which uses SecurityContext defined Authentication object for responses to isUserInRole() and getRemoteUser()
- another instance is added for web service requests to /webservices/* and /api/*
- exceptionTranslationFilter
- used to handle AccessDeniedException and AuthenticationExceptions thrown in the filter chain and redirect accordingly
- uses authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint for /*, basicProcessingFilterEntryPoint for /webservices/* and /api/*
- filterInvocationInterceptor and filterInvocationInterceptorWS map resource URL patterns to roles
applicationContext-spring-security-superuser.xml | - uses in memory user map to provide fallback in case repo credentials are lost
- Provides superAuthenticationProvider which uses DaoAuthenticationProvider to access in memory user map provided by superUserDetailsService
applicationContext-common-authorization.xml | - provides custom RoleVoter impl that will strip off the user specified prefix from config attributes before comparing with authorities
applicationContext-pentaho-security-jackrabbit.xml | - defines UserRoleListService using userRoleDaoProxy bean provided by repository.spring.xml which wraps the default JCR DAO implementation with transaction management and method level security
- UserRoleListService uses tenantedUserNameUtils and tenantedRoleNameUtils beans defined in repository.spring.xml which are used to derive a user's tenant and user name from a user id and visa-versa
applicationContext-spring-security-jackrabbit.xml | - defines authenticationProvider and userDetailsService beans which use userRoleDaoTxn defined in repository.spring.xml, which in turn wraps the default JCR DAO implementation with transaction management (but not method level security)