- Open the Hive Shell: Open the Hive shell so you can manually create a Hive table by entering 'hive' at the command line.
- Create the Table in Hive: You need a hive table to load the data to, so enter the following in the hive shell.
Code Block create table weblogs ( client_ip string, full_request_date string, day string, month string, month_num int, year string, hour string, minute string, second string, timezone string, http_verb string, uri string, http_status_code string, bytes_returned string, referrer string, user_agent string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
- Close the Hive Shell: You are done with the Hive Shell for now, so close it by entering 'quit;' in the Hive Shell.
- Load the Table: Load the Hive table by running the following commands:
Code Block hadoop fs -put part-00000.txt /user/hive/warehouse/weblogs/
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Create a Transformation to Extract Data from Hive