Dependency List for Version 0.8.10:
- Apache-Commons-Logging (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- External: JavaCC (Build-Time dependency, only if Parser has changed)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional)
- External: JDK 1.4 (Optional)
- External: Batik 1.6 (Optional)
- rhino-1.6r7.jar
- Xerces 2.5.0.jar
- XML-APIs.jar
- External: OSCache 2.3 (Optional)
- External: EHCache 1.4.1 (Optional)
- JSR107cache-1.0.jar
- backport-util-concurrent-3.0.jar
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- External: iText (Optional)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- External: JAXP-1.3 compatible XML parser (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- External: JAXP-1.3 compatible XML parser (Required)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- Internal: LibDocbundle (Required)
- Internal: LibRepository (Required)
- Internal: LibFormat (Required)
- Internal: LibFormula (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional, for WMF support, from LibLoader))
- External: Batik (Optional, for SVG support, from LibLoader)
- External: EHCacahe (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: OSCache (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: Apache POI-3.0 (Optional, for Excel export)
- External: iText 1.5.3 or higher (Optional, for PDF and RTF export, from LibFonts)
- External: BeanScriptingHost (Optional, for BSHExpression)
- External: Apache BeanScriptingFramework (Optional, for BSFExpression)
Classic-Engine Extensions
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- Internal: LibDocbundle (Required)
- Internal: LibRepository (Required)
- Internal: LibFormat (Required)
- Internal: LibFormula (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional, for WMF support, from LibLoader))
- Internal: Classic Engine
- External: Batik (Optional, for SVG support, from LibLoader)
- External: EHCacahe (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: OSCache (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: Apache POI-3.0 (Optional, for Excel export)
- External: iText 1.5.3 or higher (Optional, for PDF and RTF export, from LibFonts)
- External: BeanScriptingHost (Optional, for BSHExpression)
- External: Apache BeanScriptingFramework (Optional, for BSFExpression)
- Internal: LibSparkline (Optional, for Sparkline support)
- External: Barbecue 1.5beta1 (Optional, for Barcode support)
- External: JDK 1.4 (Optional, for JDK 1.4 printing and JDK 1.4 configuration support)
- External: Hibernate 3 (Optional, for HQL datasources)
- External: Rhino 1.6r7 (Optional, for JavaScript-Expressions; also from LibLoader if Batik is used)
Classic-Engine Demo
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- Internal: LibDocbundle (Required)
- Internal: LibRepository (Required)
- Internal: LibFormat (Required)
- Internal: LibFormula (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional, for WMF support, from LibLoader))
- Internal: Classic Engine
- External: Batik (Optional, for SVG support, from LibLoader)
- External: EHCacahe (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: OSCache (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: Apache POI-3.0 (Optional, for Excel export)
- External: iText 1.5.3 or higher (Optional, for PDF and RTF export, from LibFonts)
- External: BeanScriptingHost (Required, for BSHExpression)
- Internal: LibSparkline (Required, for Sparkline support)
- External: Barbecue 1.5beta1 (Required, for Barcode support)
- External: JFreeChart (Required, for Charting Demo)
- External: HSQL-DB (Required, for SQL-Demo)
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- Internal: LibDocbundle (Required)
- Internal: LibRepository (Required)
- Internal: LibFormat (Required)
- Internal: LibFormula (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional, for WMF support, from LibLoader))
- Internal: Classic Engine
- External: Batik (Optional, for SVG support, from LibLoader)
- External: EHCacahe (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: OSCache (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: Apache POI-3.0 (Optional, for Excel export)
- External: iText 1.5.3 or higher (Optional, for PDF and RTF export, from LibFonts)
- External: BeanScriptingHost (Required, for BSHExpression)
- Internal: LibSparkline (Required, for Sparkline support)
- External: Barbecue 1.5beta1 (Required, for Barcode support)
- External: JFreeChart (Required, for Charting Demo)
- External: HSQL-DB (Required, for SQL-Demo)
- External: JUnit
- External: XMLUnit
Wizard-core, Wizard-Swing
- Internal: LibBase (Required)
- Internal: LibLoader (Required)
- Internal: LibXml (Required)
- Internal: LibDocbundle (Required)
- Internal: LibRepository (Required)
- Internal: LibFormat (Required)
- Internal: LibFormula (Required)
- Internal: Pixie (Optional, for WMF support, from LibLoader))
- Internal: Classic Engine
- External: Batik (Optional, for SVG support, from LibLoader)
- External: EHCacahe (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: OSCache (Optional, from LibLoader)
- External: Apache POI-3.0 (Optional, for Excel export)
- External: iText 1.5.3 or higher (Optional, for PDF and RTF export, from LibFonts)
- External: BeanScriptingHost (Optional, for BSHExpression)
- External: Apache BeanScriptingFramework (Optional, for BSFExpression)
- ToDo: transforme in a own project
- Depends on Wizard-Core and Pentaho-Platform
Dependency List for Version 0.8.9: