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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


This steps submits an http post request to a specified url.

The result is the response (if any) to the post request.




step uses an HTTP POST command to submit form data via a URL.

Note: The data of the input fields can be escaped by the Calculator step and the function "Mask XML content from string A" or "Escape HTML content"

General Tab

The General tab defines which RSS/Atom URLs you want to use, and optionally which fields contain the URLs.



Step name Name

The name of the step; This name has to be unique in a single transformation


A static destination for the post requestthis step in the transformation workspace.


The Web service URL to submit to.

Accept URL from field? Enable this alternative in

order to dynamically specify the post URL from a field If checked, you must specify which field to retrieve the URL from.

URL field name

Specify which field contains the URL post address (assuming that "Accept URL from field?" is checked.)


Specify the encoding of the post request If the previous option is checked, this is where you specify the URL field.


The encoding standard for the files being accessed.

Request entity field

The name of the field that will contain the post POST request. When enabled, the "Post a file" option will retrieve a the file named in the Request entity this field, and post the contents of that file.

Post a file Enable

this in conjunction with " If a file is defined in the Request entity field" in order to send contents of a file as a post request.

Result fieldname

Specify the fieldname to contain the result retrieved from the post request.

Body Parameters

Specify multiple post parameters of the form Parameter=Name. Specific fields will fill the name part.

Query Parameters

Specify multiple query parameters of the form Value=Name. Specific fields will fill the name part.


, its contents will be posted if this option is checked. Currently "Request entity field" must be filled in order for "Post a file" to work. Selecting "Post a file" and specifying a field under "Body parameters" without selecting a value for "Request entity field" (the place for the file name) will fail silently.

Connection timeout

Defines the timeout (defaults to 10000) in Milliseconds when a connection attempt will error out.

Socket timeout

Defines the timeout (defaults to 10000) in Milliseconds when a socket will error out.

Connection close wait time

Define the wait time after the connection is closed in Milliseconds, the default -1 means the default wait time from the operating system (often 2 minutes).
Background information: Each row opens a connection and keeps it in a so called TIME-WAIT state for a specific time. A lot (may be thousands) of connections in a TIME-WAIT state introduce significant memory overhead. This option can reduce this memory overhead by reducing the time to keep a closed connection in a TIME-WAIT state.

Result fieldname

The field that you want to post the result output to.

HTTP status code fieldname

The field that you want to post the status code output to.

Response time (milliseconds) fieldname

The field that you want to post the response time, in milliseconds, to.

HTTP login

If this form requires authentication, this field should contain the username.

HTTP password

If this form requires authentication, this field should contain the password that corresponds with the username.

Proxy host

Hostname or IP address of the proxy server, if you use one.

Proxy port

Port number of the proxy server, if you use one.

Fields tab: Body (Header) Parameters

The Fields tab defines parameters for the HTTP request header and body. If you've filled in the URL and other necessary details in the General tab, you can use the Get values buttons to pre-populate the fields here. Body parameters are used in POST and PUT operations.




The order that this parameter will be passed to the Web application.


The name of the field that contains the value to map to the parameter.


The parameter to map the value of Name to.

Put in Header?

If set to Y, the parameter will be put into the request header.

Fields tab: Query Parameters

The Fields tab defines parameters for the HTTP request header and body. If you've filled in the URL and other necessary details in the General tab, you can use the Get values buttons to pre-populate the fields here. Query parameters are specified in the URL and can be used in any HTTP method.




The order that this parameter will be passed to the Web application.


The name of the field that contains the value to map to the parameter.


The value to map to the parameter.