You need an installed version of the Pentaho Data Integration Server (DI-Server) or Carte as an Pentaho DI Enterprise Edition version with Version 5.0 or higherGA (Enterprise Edition) or later versions.
Configuring the DI-Server as a Data Service Server
- Startup the Carte server with the configuration file, e.g. sh carte.sh slave-server-config.xml
- You can check the successfully connection to the DI repository by opening the Carte status page, after login e.g. http://localhost:8080/kettle/status
- Please check the information in the Configuration details / Repository name: There should be the correct name and no error.
- List the services, e.g. by http://localhost:8080/kettle/listServices
once you defined a service within the DI Repository it is listed here
Configuring Clients
Follow these guidelines to connect with a JDBC compliant client to the Data Service Server:
In general, the following jar files need to be on the class path and eventually copied to the client tool from data-integration/lib folder. The listed jar file names are used in the 5.0.0 distribution. Later versions may be different.
- kettle-
- core-5.0.0.jar
- kettle-engine-5.0.0.jar
- commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
- commons-codec-1.5.jar
- commons-lang-2.6.jar
- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
- commons-vfs-20100924-pentaho.jar (depending on the use case, also VFS 1.0)
- log4j-1.2.16.jar
- scannotation-1.0.2.jar
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A couple of client examples can be found in the Examples section. |
Use the following details to configure the JDBC driver for the client:
- The JDBC driver uses the following class: org.pentaho.di.core.jdbc.ThinDriver
- The URL is in the following format: jdbc:pdi://hostname:port/kettle?option=value&option=value
Example JDBC URLs:
- for accessing the Data Integration server you need to add the ?webappname=pentaho-di option, e.g.:
jdbc:pdi://localhost:9080/kettle?webappname=pentaho-di - for accessing the Carte server, e.g.: jdbc:pdi://localhost:8084/kettle
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Please see the JDBC and SQL Reference for more details. |