This query is being parsed by the server and a transformation is being generated to convert the service transformation data into the requested format: !data-service-generated.jpeg\|border=1!
The data which is being injected is originating from the service transformation: !data-service-service.jpeg|border=1\
So for each executed query you will see 2 transformations listed on the server.
Client Examples
SQuirreL SQL
Since SQuirrel already contains most needed jar files, configuring it simply done by adding kettle-core.jar as a new driver jar file along with Apache Commons VFS 1.0 and scannotation.jar
The following jar files need to be added:
* kettle-core.jar
* commons HTTP client
* commons code
* commons lang
* commons logging
* commons VFS (1.0)
* log4j
* scannotation
Pentaho Report Designer
Simply replace the kettle-*.jar files in the lib/ folder with new files from Kettle v5.0-M1 or higher.
You need a BI Server that uses the PDI 5.0 jar files or you can use an older version and update the kettle-core, kettle-db and kettle-engine jar files in the /tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ folder
Pentaho Analyses (Mondrian): Analyzer / Saiku / JPivot
Code Block |
matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ rm ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/kettle-core-4.3.0-GA.jar matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ rm ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/kettle-engine-4.3.0-GA.jar matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ rm ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/kettle-db-4.3.0-GA.jar matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ cp /kettle/5.0/lib/kettle-core.jar ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ cp /kettle/5.0/lib/kettle-db.jar ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ matt@kettle:~/pentaho/4.5.0-ee/server/biserver-ee$ cp /kettle/5.0/lib/kettle-engine.jar ./tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib/ |
Screen shot:
Fun fact: Mondrian generates the following SQL for the report shown above:
You can query a remote service transformation with any Kettle v5 or higher client. You can query the service through the database explorer and the various database steps (for example the Table Input step).
*TODO: ask project owners to change the current old driver class to the new thin one.*
Partial success as I'm getting some XML parsing errors. However, adding the aforementioned jar files at least allow you to get back query fields:
To be investigated.
[http://tiqview.tumblr.com/post/29820190073/stream-data-from-pentaho-kettle-into-qlikview-via-jdbc|http://tiqview.tumblr.com/post/29820190073/stream-data-from-pentaho-kettle-into-qlikview-via-jdbc]see the TIQView blog: Stream Data from Pentaho Kettle into QlikView via JDBC