- iphone/ <- iphone specific jsps
- iui/ <- iphone related images, js, and css files
- src/ <- source code
- xsls/ <- pentaho-solutions iphone xsl's
- readme.txt
- build.properties
- build.xml
- pentaho-iphone.jar
Step 2:
Copy pentaho-iphone.jar to the Pentaho WebApp WEB-INF/lib directory In Pentaho PCI 1.7 GA, this is located in jboss/server/default/deploy/pentaho.war/WEB-INF/lib. This jar contains two specific iPhone classes. First, a new servlet filter has been created to detect iPhone requests and re-route those requests to the correct iPhone view. Second, an extension to Pentaho's ViewAction servlet has been created to allow the parameter forms to render correctly on the iPhone.
Step 3:
Copy the iphone directory to the Pentaho WebApp root. This directory contains all the necessary Java Server Pages (JSPs) to render the iPhone view correctly. I used the iui project (http://code.google.com/p/iui/) to render the user interface, with only slight modifications. If you'd like to customize the Home Page or Login Page, this is the place to go.