GWT usage will be limited to shared code situations leveraging XUL such as the Pentaho Modeler.
jQuery Stack
As jQuery alone is not a full development suite in and of itself. As such we've chosen the most popular technologies to augment jQuery with. Backbone for MVC http://backbonejs.org, Handlebars for templating http://handlebarsjs.com, and jQuery.UI for widgets http://jqueryui.com.
All Javascript should be documented using JSDoc notation https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc
AMD and RequireJS
Scripts need to be written as AMD modules. Add link to
Unit Testing
Notes: Seems like RequireJS guys have worked around the issues with the major test suites out there, JSTestDriver, Jasmine. I know Rob and I were initially impressed by JSTestDriver. https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/wiki/Test-frameworks