The purpose of the Pentaho Design Studio is to facilitate the creation and management of files within your Pentaho solutions. The Design Studio helps organize these files and provides editors for each type of file. There are several levels of organization within the Design Studio: workspaces, project, views, editors, and perspectives. If you haven't done so already start up the design studio and take a look at the basic layout.
A perspective is a group of views and editors in the Design Studio window. One or more perspectives can exist in a single Design Studio window. Each perspective contains one or more views and editors. Within a window, each perspective may have a different set of views but all perspectives share the same set of editors. You can think of a perspective is a visual organization of the windows within a workspace. The default Design Studio configuration contains a single Perspective name "Pentaho". Note that the active perspective is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the Design Studio. The Pentaho perspective is a very simple perspective containing the Package Explorer view and an area reserved for the editor.