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Comment: remove duplicate warning about Domain Id


titleWhat is metadata?

Metadata is information about data, which sounds redundant, but for reporting systems is a very powerful tool. Metadata allows a designer to describe database fields, give them default formats, join tables in a meaningful way, calculate new values amongst other things.  This allows the dry, technical database structure that may only be understood by a few people to be transformed into an easy to understand business model that can reliably be used by many report designers.

  • fields are named using business language
  • meaningful table joins have already been created
  • authorisation controls for critical data elements have already been applied
  • meaningful formats for data values have already been applied


Adding the Metadata Source


The "Domain Id / BI-Server Solution Name" is always the name of the folder that your report will be stored in when it is delivered.  That's also the folder that contains the metadata.xmi file.  If you are delivering your report on a server you must use the name of the folder on the server.  So that you can test your report on a locally hosted Pentaho User Console you should use the same folder name locally. 
titleDomain Id value is critical

The "Domain Id / BI-Server Solution Name" is always the name of the folder that your report will be stored in when it is delivered.  That's also the folder that contains the metadata.xmi file.  If you are delivering your report on a server you must use the name of the folder on the server.  So that you can test your report on a locally hosted Pentaho User Console you should use the same folder name locally. 

Each metadata data source can hold multiple queries.  The metadata is shared between all queries. You can use meaningful names for the queries in the metadata source. 
Create a new query click on the green plus in the upper right corner next to the "Available Queries" box. A new query named "Query1" gets added to the list of available queries.  Change this to a more meaningful name.
