Wiki Markup |
{scrollbar} h2. Downloading The Pentaho Report Design Wizard is available for download on Sourceforge at [] as a compressed ZIP file. |
h2. Installation Unzip the Report Design Wizard archive using your favorite unzip program to a location you will remember. A good choice, on Windows, might be "C:\pentaho-reportwizard". |
If you're using \*NIX we assume you can find a safe location on your own. |
From this point forward we will refer to the installation path as \{WIZARD-ROOT\}. To follow this documentation it may be to your benefit to install the Pentaho sample data available from Sourceforge ([]) The Pentaho data ZIP file contains Hypersonic, which can be started by clicking the start-hypersonic.bat (Windows) or (*NIX). This database will be referenced throughout this documentation. |
h2. Configuration The Report Design Wizard is distributed as a ZIP archive and comes pre-configured. There is no installation process or configuration other than unzipping. |
If you are going to be using JNDI you must edit \{WIZARD-ROOT\}/ resources/solutions/system/simple-jndi/ An example entry in this file would appear as follows. |
{code |
} SampleData/type=javax.sql.DataSource SampleData/driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver SampleData/url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/sampledata SampleData/user=pentaho_user SampleData/password=password {code} SampleData is the name of the JNDI connection being setup, all of the name/value pairs configure the pertinent connection information. The \*/type setting tells JNDI what is being managed, in this case, a SQL datasource. The \*/driver setting is the JDBC driver class name for the database we're accessing. The \*/url is the JDBC connect string, the example shown here is for a Hypersonic database server running locally. The next two settings are the user's credentials for logging in to the database if required. |
Database driver setup only requires that the drivers be located in the \{WIZARD-ROOT\}/lib/jdbc directory. A Hypersonic database driver is included with the Report Design Wizard under \{WIZARD-ROOT\}/lib/jdbc. Additional drivers may be dropped into this same location and they will be picked up by the application automatically. |
The easiest type of connection to create is an XQuery connection. Using an XML data-file and a query we can walk through the wizard and generate a report-spec. There is an XML data-file in \{WIZARD-ROOT\}/samples/data called Quad_Data.xml. |
This file is the same data in the Hypersonic database. h2. |
Launching |
To launch the Report Design Wizard use the included Ant build.xml target called "launch". |
If you do not have Ant or are unfamiliar with it you may also double-click the reportwizard.bat file to launch the wizard using Microsoft Windows. |
The starting point allows you to create a report from scratch or to work off an existing report. |
The Report Design Wizard supports 'templates,' which are pre-defined report definitions (layouts) for specific types of reports (e.g. Customer Invoices) and require the user to enter 'mappings'. |
The Report Name field is used to set the name of the report in the JFreeReport XML definition and as a filename to create in the temporary Pentaho solution path while generating previews. |
When a report is exported several files are copied to the specified path. |
These files are the JFreeReport XML definition, the Pentaho Report-Spec document, images used by the report (watermark), and the action sequence document necessary to run the report by the Pentaho Solution engine |
!Report Design Wizard^rdw_launching.png! |