Property Name | Data Type | Description |
titlePosition | Decimal String | Rotation of the categorical item label, between 0 and 1 Sets location of title - valid values are top, bottom, left, right. Defaults to top. |
subTitles | Array of Strings | Zero-based array of strings, one subtitle in each string. |
borderVisible | Boolean (true/false) | If true, a border is drawn around the exterior of the chart area. |
borderPaint | String | Sets the color of the border of the chart. It is a color in either HTML notation (like #80f000), or one of the w3c defined color names (like "cadet blue"). |
plotBackgroundPaint | String | Sets the color of the plot background of the chart. It is a color in either HTML notation (like #80f000), or one of the w3c defined color names (like "cadet blue"). |
horizontal | Boolean (true/false) | If true, the x-axis and y-axis will be swapped. Commonly used for horizontal bar charts, but could also be used for |
stacked | Boolean (true/false) | If true, then the chart will be rendered as stacked. Default: false |
domainVerticalTickLabels | Boolean (true/false) | If true, turns the domain tick labels to 90 degrees vertical. Defaults to false. |
domainIncludesZero | Boolean (true/false) | When an axis' values are auto-calculated, this flag when true ensures that the domain axis's range always includes zero. |
domainStickyZero | Boolean (true/false) | If true, truncates the axis margin at zero. |
rangeIncludesZero | Array of Strings | When an axis' values are auto-calculated, this flag when true ensures that the domain axis's range always includes zero. |
rangeStickyZero | Boolean (true/false) | If true, truncates the axis margin at zero. |
domainTitle | String | The title for the domain axis, commonly the x-axis. |
domainTitleFont | String | The font used on the domain title. The format for the font is as follows: |
domainTickFont | String | The font used on the tick labels on the domain axis. The format for the font is as follows: |
domainTickFormat | String | Format mask for numeric tick labels. Should contain a valid Java DecimalFormat mask for formatting the decimal number. |
rangeTitle | String | The title for the range axis, commonly the y-axis. |
rangeTitleFont | String | The font used on the range title. The format for the font is as follows: |
rangeTickFont | String | The font used on the tick labels on the range axis. The format for the font is as follows: |
rangeTickFormat | String | Format mask for numeric tick labels. Should contain a valid Java DecimalFormat mask for formatting the decimal number. |
rangeMinimum | Numeric | The minimum value to display on the range axis. |
rangeMaximum | Numeric | The maximum value to display on the range axis. |
seriesColors | Array of Strings | Zero-based array of strings, one color for each series (bar for example). Each element is a color in either HTML notation (like #80f000), or one of the w3c defined color names (like "cadet blue"). |