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{excerpt}Sample Blend template for use with Google Analytics{excerpt} that can be easily added to your installation. It demonstrates how to blend data from a sample customer support system with Google Analytics web traffic data. {youtube}KNtODkwO0vU{youtube} h1. Prerequisites In order to follow along with this how-to guide you will need a desktop installation of Pentaho Business Analytics. [Download Pentaho|] h2. Google Analytics account You must have a Google Analytics account and API key in order to access your website data. If you are new to Google Analytics, there is more information [here|]. If you have signed up and already have an API key but don't remember what it is, go [here|] and select "API Access". You will need to be signed into your Google account. h2. Data Files You will also need the sample Customer Support spreadsheet available [here|Google Analytics Customer Service Blend^CustSupportData_GADemo.xls]. Save it to your data folder. h2. Add the Google Analytics Blend sample template to your copy of Pentaho Data Integration Now that there is data in the right place, all you need to do is open the template and point to the data file. # *Get the Template*: Click [here|Google Analytics Customer Service Blend^GoogleAnalyticsBrowserBlend.ktr] to download the template and save it to your PDI folder. Open PDI and open the GoogleAnalyticsBrowserBlend that you just downloaded. Double click on the Customer Service Input step and link to the data file you downloaded, then close the step. Open the Google Analytics Input step and enter you're username, password and token, and select the website you want to analyze. Close the step and save the transformation. h2. Configure JDBC Driver: Follow the directions to configure the Thin Kettle JDBC driver: h2. Try the sample # *Start*: Start up Pentaho Business Analytics and open the "GoogleAnalyticsBrowserBlend.ktr" template. # From the GoogleAnalyticsBrowserBlend transformation: # Click: "Google Analytics Input" step # * Enter a Google email, password and API key tied to your Google Analytics account as described above. * Press the "Get Profiles" button to fill the drop down list with your web site information * Select the website to profile from the "Get tableId from profile" dropdown * Enter a start and end date * You should use the "Preview" button on the bottom of the dialog to ensure your selections are correct. * Press "OK" when done # Open a browser and open the Pentaho User Console. # Select Manage Data Sources # Create a JDBC Driver (click the + and select JDBC) _Click to enlarge image._ !sampleJDBCdriver.png|thumbnail,border=1! # Create a data source using the data service from the GoogleAnalyticsBrowserBlend transformation. _Click to enlarge image._ !SampleDataSourceWizard.png|thumbnail,border=1! # Create a new Analyzer view and begin to analyze the blended Google and Customer Service data. |
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