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{scrollbar} {excerpt}How to set up and configure Kettle for your specific Hadoop distribution.{excerpt} _The Pentaho applications come pre-configured for Apache Hadoop 0.20.2. If you are using this distro and version, no further configuration is required._ Documentation for configuring Pentaho for distros other than Apache Hadoop 0.20.2 is now located on the Pentaho Infocenter [here|] h2. Currently supported Hadoop distributions: Pentaho uses an abstraction layer to facilitate supporting the rapid and never ending distributions version updates. We call this layer a shim. The following list shows the current known support and status of various distributions. We generally do not have to update a shim for a minor or patch version change. {composition-setup}{composition-setup} {deck:id=MyDeck|class=tan} {card:label=Apache} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |0.20.x|hadoop-20|4.8+| | |1.0.x|NS*| | No support planned [See this blog post|] | |1.1.x|NS*| | Not likely to be done in favor of 1.2.x [PDI-9964|] | |1.2.x|NS*| | Possibly in patch post 5.0 but not committed | |2.x.x|NS*| | Distro is Alpha | _Go to [Apache releases|]_ {card} {card:label=Cloudera} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |CDH3u3, u4 and u5|cdh3U4|4.8+ | Support will be dropped in 5.0 | |CDH4.0, 4.0.1|cdh4|4.8+ | The cdh42 shim also supports this configuration | |CDH4.1, 4.1.1|cdh4|4.8+ | The cdh42 shim also supports this configuration | |CDH4.1.2, 4.1.3|cdh412, cdh413|4.8 + BD Plugin 1.3.2+| The cdh42 shim also supports this configuration | |CDH4.2|cdh42|4.8 + BD Plugin 1.3.2+| Backward compatible with all earlier cdh4.x distros| |CDH4.2.1|cdh42|4.8 + BD Plugin| | |CDH4.3|cdh42| 4.8 + BD Plugin | | _Go to [Cloudera releases|]_ {color:navy}*NOTE: the cdh42 shim supports all versions of CDH from 4.0 through 4.3*{color} {card} {card:label=DataStax} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |DSE 3.0.x| NS* | | Possibly in patch post 5.0 but not committed [PDI-8036|]| |DSE 2.2.x| NS* | | No current plans to support | _Go to [DataStax releases|]_ {card} {card:label=Hortonworks} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |HDP 1.2.x| hdp12 |4.8 + BD Plugin 1.3.2+| | |HDP 1.3.x| hdp13 |4.8 + BD Plugin 1.3.2+| | |HDP 2.x| NS* | | In patch post 5.0 - [PDI-8962|] | |HDP 1.1 for Win| NS* | | In patch post 5.0 - [PDI-10266|] | _Go to [Hortonworks releases|]_ {card} {card:label=Intel} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |IDH 2.3|NS*|5.0| Planned for (June) [PDI-9647|]| _Go to [Intel releases|]_ {card} {card:label=MapR} ||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Suite Ver||Notes|| |1.1.3, 1.2.0|mapr|4.8+| | |2.0.x|NS*| | No Support planned [PDI-9648|]| |2.1.x|mapr21|4.8+| | |3.0.x|NS*|5.0 | Planned for immediately post 5.0 [PDI-10037|]| _Go to [MapR releases|]_ {card} {deck} _*\* NS - Not supported.* See [Hadoop Configurations] for information on how to create or modify a shim to support your configuration_ _*\+ Pentaho Ver* is the earliest version of the Pentaho suite that supports this shim. Subsequent Pentaho versions will also support this shim unless otherwise noted._ {tip} The Pentaho support policy for Hadoop is available on the [Pentaho Support Plan for Hadoop Distributions] page. {tip} h2. Open JIRA cases for Distro Support {jiraissues:anonymous=true|columns=key;fixVersion;summary;status;assignee;updated|url=} h2. Release resources [!|width=100,height=75!|] [!|width=100,height=75!|] * [Genealogy of Elephants II|] * [A brief history of Apache Hadoop branches and releases|] |
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