Versions Compared


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Wiki Markup
{excerpt}How to set up and configure Kettle for your specific Hadoop distribution.{excerpt}

_The Pentaho applications come pre-configured for Apache Hadoop 0.20.2. If you are using this distro and version, no further configuration is required._

Documentation for configuring Pentaho for distros other than Apache Hadoop 0.20.2 is now located on the Pentaho Infocenter [here|]

h2. Currently supported Hadoop distributions:
Pentaho uses an abstraction layer to facilitate supporting the rapid and never ending distributions version updates.  We call this layer a shim.  The following list shows the current known support and status of various distributions.  We generally do not have to update a shim for a minor or patch version change.

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|0.20.x|hadoop-20|4.8| |
|1.0.x|NS*| |[See this blog post|]  |
|1.1.x|NS*| | Distro is Beta |
|2.x.x|NS*| | Distro is Alpha |
_Go to [Apache releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|CDH3u3, u4 and u5|CDH3U4|4.8 |
|CDH4.0, 4.0.1|CDH4|4.8, 5.0| |
|CDH4.1, 4.1.1|CDH4|4.8, 5.0| |
|CDH4.1.2, 4.1.3|NS*|5.0| Shim is in development [PDI-9535|], [PDI-9536|]|
|CDH4.2|NS*|5.0|Shim is in development [PDI-9534|] |
_Go to [Cloudera releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|0.20.x|hadoop-20|4.8| |
|1.0.x|NS*| |[See this blog post|]  |
|1.1.x|NS*| | Distro is Beta |
|2.x.x|NS*| | Distro is Alpha |
_Go to [Apache releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|1.1.3, 1.2.0|Mapr|4.8, 5.0| |
|2.0.x|NS*|5.0|Will be supported in Kettle 5.0 (next release)|
|2.1.x|NS*|5.0|Will be supported in Kettle 5.0 (next release)|
_Go to [MapR releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|IHD 2.3|NS*|5.0| Will be supported in Kettle 5.0 (next release)|
_Go to [Intel releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|HDP 1.2.x| NS* |5.0| Will be supported in Kettle 5.0 (next release)[PDI-8035|]. People have been successful using hadoop-20 shim |
|HDP 2.x| NS* |5.0| Distro is Alpha |
_Go to [Hortonworks releases|]_

||Hadoop Version||Shim||Pentaho Ver||Notes||
|DSE 3.0| NS* | | May be supported in 5.0 but not committed |
|DSE 2.2.x| NS* | |  |
_Go to [DataStax releases|]_


_*\* NS - Not supported.*  See [Hadoop Configurations] for information on how to create or modify a shim to support your configuration_

_*Pentaho Ver* is the earliest version of the Pentaho suite that supports this shim.  Subsequent Pentaho versions will also support this shim unless noted.
The Pentaho support policy for Hadoop is available on the [Pentaho Support Plan for Hadoop Distributions] page.

h2. Open JIRA cases for Distro Support

h2. Release resources

[!|width=100,height=75!|] [!|width=100,height=75!|]
* [Genealogy of Elephants II|]
* [A brief history of Apache Hadoop branches and releases|]