Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
 |-- lib/ : contains all libraries specific to the version of Hadoop this configuration was created to communicate with.
 |   |-- client/ : Libraries that are only required on a Hadoop client (e.g. hadoop-core-*, hadoop-client-*)
 |   |-- pmr/ : Jars that contain libraries required for parsing data in input/output formats or otherwise outside of any 
 |   |   PDI-based execution
 |   `-- *.jar : All other libraries required for this shim that are not client-only or special "pmr" jars that need to be 
         available to the entire JVM of Hadoop Job tasks
 |-- : metadata and configuration options for this Hadoop configuration
 |-- core-site.xml : Hadoop core-site configuration file (left as a placeholder to indicate it could be used)
 `-- configuration-implementation.jar : Implementation of abstraction required by the Big Data Plugin to communicate 
     with this configuration

Creating new configurations
