- Download the attached Eclipse plugin zip:
* If you have never installed ivyDE before download this org.apache.ivyde.feature-2.0.0.alpha1-pentaho-200808281007-with-ivy.zip
* If you already have a version of ivyDE installed download this org.apache.ivyde.feature-2.0.0.alpha1-pentaho-200808281007.zip. - Install the modified ivyDE Eclipse plugin, cd to $ECLIPSE_HOME and unzip it there.
- Start Eclipse
- Verify that the plugin was installed successfully:
- In Eclipse 3.x: go Help->Software Updates..., then select Installed Software tab and verify that Apache IvyDE appears in the list
- In Eclipse 4.2.x go Help->Install New Software..., then click on the link "What is already installed?" in the lower right part of the dialog box.