- Set the preferred language:
Edit->Preferences->Content->Languages - Set the preferred encoding:
View->Character Encoding->Japanese (Shift_JIS)
6. Running Java Swing apps in Japanese
Swing apps will not render East-asian or other non-latin character sets correctly unless you have setup the correct fonts in your JRE. Instead of having to modify font.properties files, you can use this simple workaround:
- cd to your jre/lib/fonts folder
- create a dir named "fallback" and cd into it (the JRE will look here before determining it cannot find a font)
- locate the system fonts you wish the JRE to know about. In Ubuntu 9.04 that location is /usr/share/fonts/truetype.
- create symlinks to those fonts in the fallback folder. For example ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-japanese-mincho.ttf